Prof. Carlos Fernandez-Pello delivered the Howard Emmons Invited Plenary Lectureship at the 12th IAFSS International Symposium in Lund, Sweden to recognize his distinguished career achievement.
During his lecture Prof. Fernandez-Pello presented his paper entitled: “Wildland fire spot ignition by sparks and firebrands” which was published in the Fire Safety Journal.
From left to right: Xinyan Huang, Maria Thomsen, Prof. Carlos Fernandez-Pello and Chris Lautenberger
In the same conference, several members of the Combustion Fire Processes Laboratory were also recognized for their work and achievements. Maria Thomsen, current PhD student, was awarded with the Sheldon Tieszen Student Award for her presented paper. The title of the work presented was “Flame spread limits (LOC) of fire resistant fabrics“. Andy Rodriguez, an undergraduate student working in the CFP Laboratory, was awarded with the best poster award.
A former graduate from the CFP Laboratory, Chris Lautenberger, received the Philip Thomas Medal of Excellence as the author of the best paper presented in a previous IAFSS Symposium.